[ hùnzhàn ] tangled warfare; a melee; a wild war; confused fighting 短语和例子 军阀混战 the confused fighting between the warlords; 处于混战状态 be locked in a tangled fight
He was in no way a round-and-tumble fighter . 他根本不是善于混战的打手。
Throughout the early hours the battle raged confusedly . 最初几个小时是一场猛烈的混战。
The victory of the revolution only ushered in a new time of turmoil . 革命的胜利只带来了新的混战时代。
On closer inspection the battle seems to have been a confused civil strife . 仔细观察一下,这场战役看起来是一场同室操戈的混战。
Before their vanguard reached the gates they had to come to grips with the police and soldiers . 前面的队伍还没有冲到大门口,军警已经和他们短兵相接地混战起来。
Cries and confusion, the flashes and reports of pistol-shots, and one loud groan, rang in my ears . 呐喊声、混战声和手枪射击的闪光爆炸声,以及一声响亮的呻吟声充塞着我的耳鼓。
In fine, i think i had all the danger, as well as all the profit, of that little blind-man's medley on the beach . 总之,我认为在海滩上的那一场捉迷藏似的小小混战中,对我说来,胜和败各占着一半呢。
If they bleed themselves white beforehand, fighting each other, the final attack on their enemy will be that much weaker . 如果他们事先在相互混战中伤了元气,那么他们向敌人发动总进攻的力量也就薄弱得多了。
In the old society , owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads , the labouring people led a vagrant life . 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。
Introduction : game on : small effortss scrimmage 攻略:游戏介绍:小小功夫之混战。