It appears that the earth was formed out of rocks floating in space . 地球似乎是由漂游在太空中的岩石形成的。
It did not shift or drive, it was just there, standing all round you like something solid . 它即不漂游,也不移动,它死死地停在那里,象某种固体的东西围立在你的四周。
The satellite signals indicated that two turtles travelled to hainan island and one to okinawa , japan 卫星讯号显示其中两只绿海龟漂游至海南岛,另一只则游向日本的冲绳岛。
It is floating among perceptions that alter our everyday life and enable us to contemplate the world from a newly different place 它漂游在改变我们每天生活的感知之间和对这个世界从不同角度的凝视。
Visitors are recommended to take a bamboo raft ride downstream to take in the meandering river course , as well as its great many sandbanks and shoals 游人可在此乘竹筏沿溪顺流漂游而下,溪流蜿蜒曲折,洲滩众多,故有“溪有十八滩,一滩高一滩”之说。
The girl s whispered words mingled with the shades , and , to tess s drowsy mind , they seemed to be generated by the darkness in which they floated 女孩子的喃喃细语混合着沉沉的夜色,在半睡半醒的苔丝听来,它们似乎是从黑暗中产生的,而且漂游在黑暗里。
River running is kind of like going on a boating tour down a river , except every so often your enjoyment of the scenery is interrupted by battling your way through roaring cascades and jagged rocks 河流漂游有点儿像沿河坐船观光,只不过你要不时地在暴瀑和乱石中将你的通路开辟出来,令赏景变得断断续续。
Sometimes he was all but submerged , swimming through oblivion with a faltering stroke ; and again , by some strange alchemy of soul , he would find another shred of will and strike out more strongly 有时候,他几乎完全给淹没了,他只能用无力的双手划着,漂游过那黑茫茫的一片;可是,有时候,他又会凭着一种奇怪的心灵作用,另外找到一丝毅力,更坚强地划着。
Picture the look of a special smell , you smell this kind of lonely feeling , it is found that the height of purification and sometimes seems the beautiful immortal , and in the quiet solitude of remaining here and there , to stay away from the crowd to stop feeling this feeling - this is nonami gallant brought by the photography i the feelings 画面透着一种特别的气味,这气味令你有种孤独的感觉,发现人世间居然有透澈的净化和漂游的美丽仙灵,就在这里远避尘嚣而静静地存在,想停下来远离人群去感受这种滋味? ?这就是野波浩的摄影作品所带给我的感受。