Takayama , t . ( 1984 ) , theory of oblique waves generated by serpent - type wave - maker , coastal engineering in japan , vol . 27 , pp . 1 - 19 刘正琪( 2002 ) ,波浪通过潜堤之二阶理论解析,国立成功大学水利及海洋工程研究所,博士论文。
So , in order to discover essential properties , the paper focuses on deep study upon the wave forces over submerged dyke and transmission coefficient considering the band protecting and silt promoting project in shengli oilfiled , which may be used for real engineer 本文以潜堤为研究对象,通过物理模型试验的方法,分别研究了在规则波作用下潜堤的波力特性和透射特性。
In the test of transmission coefficient property , semi - circle type , rectangle type , trapezoid type and concave type dyke are studied . research study is on the effect of relative water depth over the dyke to the transmission coefficient of the four different types dyke , and the comparison is done . finally , the experimental formula is given to the transmission coefficient , which are compared with the present formulae 在潜堤透射特性的研究中,选取半圆型、矩型、梯型和槽型潜堤作为研究对象,在分析各个影响因素对潜堤透射影响的基础上,选取最主要的影响因素,即相对堤顶水深作为研究的重点,分析研究了堤顶相对水深对四种结构型式潜堤透射系数的影响,比较分析了四种结构型式潜堤透射特性,在此基础上,总结了计算潜堤透射系数的经验公式,并与已存在的计算公式进行了对比,最后对潜堤的促淤效果进行了评估。
Submerged dyke is a common offshore structure , which is widely used for band protecting and silt promoting engineer and etc . however , few research studies are done upon such a problem home and abroad and even the accomplished results are not satisfying , which cannot be used for real projects , and in most cases , they will have to depend on the results of experiment 然而,目前国内外对潜堤的研究很少,研究的成果也很不成熟,难以应用到实际工程设计中,在很多时候,还需要借助于物理模型试验,因此,本文结合胜利油田保滩促淤新技术研究项目,对潜堤波浪力以及透射特性进行了深入系统的研究,力求揭示其内在规律,期望能获得有实际应用意义的研究成果。
Through the physical model experiment , the wave forces over submerged dyke and transmission coefficient are analyzed under the action of regular wave . in the test of wave forces , the rectangle - type submerged dyke is used as research object , and when analyzing the total wave forces , the effect of water depth before the dyke and that of the wave parameters is considered . based on the test , through the methods of multi - element linear regression , experimental formulae are given to calculate maximum total wave forces in horizontal direction , its relative vertical wave forces and maximum wave forces before and after the dyke , which are compared with the present formulae 在潜堤波力的研究中,选取矩型潜堤作为研究对象,在分析各个影响因素对潜堤波力影响的基础上,选取两个最主要的影响因素,即相对波高和相对水深作为研究重点,在物理模型试验结果的基础上,定性地研究分析了潜堤所受的总波力随相对波高和相对水深的变化规律,并在此基础上,利用多元线性回归的方法,分别给出了在本文试验条件下计算潜堤最大水平总波力及其相对应的垂向总波力的经验公式以及计算堤前堤后最大总波力的经验公式,并与已存在的计算公式进行了对比。