| 1. | After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat . 经过一个夏天,连最差的牛羊在这里也长得又肥又壮了。 |
| 2. | The wind screamed over the gulf and turned the water white, and the mangroves plunged like frightened cattle . 大风在海湾上空呼啸而过,把海水吹得白浪翻滚,红树丛猛烈地前后狂舞,就象一群受惊的牛羊。 |
| 3. | In this way, they can make what was a wild country, all of the same dark hue, bright and variegated with corn and cattle . 这样做他们就可以把一个十分荒芜、一片黑色的地方改造成一个五谷丰登、牛羊成群、光明灿烂、丰富多彩的地方。 |
| 4. | Many curious instances could be given showing how quickly new breeds of cattle, sheep, and other animals, and varieties of flowers, take the place of older and inferior kinds . 有许多奇异的事实,可举出说明牛羊及其它动物的新品种,以及花草的变种是怎样迅速地代替了那些较老而低劣的种类。 |
| 5. | Who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk 有谁牧养牛羊,不吃牛羊的奶呢 |
| 6. | He found peopie seiiing cattie , sheep and pigeons . . 他看见有卖牛羊鸽子的 |
| 7. | He found peopie seiiing cattie , sheep and pigeons . . 他看见有卖牛羊鸽子的 |
| 8. | He found peopie seiiing cattie , sheep and pigeons 他看见有卖牛羊鸽子的 |
| 9. | The facilities of raving oxen sheep series 养牛羊设备系列常用器材 |
| 10. | I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture 我看到一些牛羊在青翠的牧场上吃草。 |