The features of the traditional culture of dulong ethnic group 略论独龙族传统文化的特点
Investigations on the dulong ethnic group since 1950s in retrospect and in prospect 20世纪50年代以来独龙族调查研究回顾与前瞻
Yunnan is one of the important regions where ethnic minorities live in compact communities . in yunnan , 24 ethnic minorities such as yi nationality , bai nationality , naxi nationality , etc . have been living here for generations 云南是我国的一个重要的少数民族聚居区,其世居民族就有彝族、白族、纳西族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、拉祜族、景颇族、布朗族、阿昌族、普米族、怒族、德昂族、独龙族、基诺族等20多个。
Based on related data and a half - year field - work in the drung river reach in the northwest of yunnan province of china , a settlement of the minority drung people , the article depicts from . one aspect the roles of mass media in the social transform in the minority region 以位于中国云南省西北部的独龙族主要聚居地? ?独龙江作为研究个案,通过作者为期半年的田野调查,结合相关研究资料,对“中国社会转型期大众传播媒介在少数民族地区所扮演的角色”这样一个问题从一个方面进行了回答。