| 1. | Children ' s emotion understanding in their theory of mind 儿童心理理论能力中的情绪理解 |
| 2. | Children ' s tom ability changed significantly from the age of 3 to 5 儿童的心理理论能力在3 5岁间发生显著变化。 |
| 3. | One way of directly assessing how theory of mind capabilities may be acquired in the course of development is through the implementation of training studies 训练研究法是一种直接评估心理理论能力获取机制的方法,不少研究者试图通过各种训练来提高与儿童心理理论相关的能力。 |
| 4. | A pispical ) episcopal is an ( that lead ) elite private ( ) high shcool that ( convince ) admits students based on ( sint ice ) standardized test ( shcool ) scores ( in ) and ( graves ) grades . students are generally of ( same ) similar academic ability 教会高中是一种很精英的私立高中,它们基于标准测试的成绩和等级来接受学生到它们学校就读.一般,学生也有相似的理论能力 |
| 5. | The research about theory of mind has been the topic of a great deal of research . although it is widely accepted when false belief understanding emerges , there is considerable theoretical dispute over how theory of mind ability is acquired 心理理论的研究是当今发展心理学领域的一大热点,普遍的看法是,儿童在4岁时获得错误信念,但对于心理理论能力在发展过程中是如何获得的还存在许多争议。 |
| 6. | A lot of research on children ' s tom indicated that children could not pass the classical tom tasks until the age of 4 , and that children ' s performances in various tom tasks were intrinsic consistence but task - specific 对儿童心理理论能力的大量研究表明:儿童通过经典的心理理论测试任务的年龄约为4岁,儿童在心理理论各任务的表现具有内在一致性,但同时儿童在各个心理理论任务中的表现还具有任务特异性。 |
| 7. | The age of 4 was a notable turning point . nevertheless , tom ability still did not linearly rose after the turning . it dropped a little at the age of 4 . 5 , then rose again at the age of 5 , and finally reached a new high point 这种能力总体上随年龄的增长而提高,但这种增长不是线性的, 4岁是一个明显的转折点,但儿童的心理理论能力并不就此直线上升,在4 . 5岁左右有所下降,之后到了5岁又开始上升,接近5 . 5岁时,再次达到一个新的高点。 |