The etiologic agent may not be apparent on direct smear . 在直接涂片上致病菌可能不明确。
Examination of tubercle bacillus by direct smear of sputum in hekou district dongying city in 2005年东营市河口区部分人员痰液直接涂片结核杆菌检查结果
Direct smear of urine from a patient with candidiasis of the kidney showing c . albicans in mycelial or tissue phase with blastoconidia budding from the pseudohyphae 第二张图片:是用患有肾念珠菌病的患者的小便做的直接涂片,显示有菌丝的白假丝酵母菌。以出芽方式增殖,在组织内可见芽生孢子和假菌丝。