[ xiōngyǒuchéngzhú ] have a well-thought-out plan, stratagem, etc.; a well-regulated mind; get it all together; have [keep] a card up one's sleeve; have a preconceived idea at heart; have a well-thought-out plan beforehand; have got it all worked out; have had ready plans [designs] in one's mind; have ready plans to meet a situation; have sth. up [in] one's sleeve; have things as a whole well thought out beforehand; know what to do in one's mind; stratagem up one's sleeve; with complete confidence
Example Sentences:
Your master already has a plan . 你的主人早已胸有成竹。
His face creased in a confidential man-to-man smile . 他的脸上挂着一抹胸有成竹的微笑。
The means to this end he had already shaped out for himself . 怎样达到这个目的,他已经胸有成竹。
He could visualize her nowcomposed and competent . 他可以想象出她现在的样子镇静自若,胸有成竹。
Young as i am , i already know what career i want to follow . 我虽然还小,可是对要从事的职业已胸有成竹了。
She showed an immense resolution and spirit on her part, and boxed his ears soundly . 她胸有成竹,火冒三丈,狠狠打了他一记耳光。
He always know what he was about and served his cause with dedication and skill . 他总是胸有成竹,而且竭诚而巧妙地为自己的事业服务。
Relaxed and confidentand with a strong grade-point averagehe wants to select a good law school . 他轻松愉快,胸有成竹还带来了不错的总成绩想要选择一所上等的法学院。
On december 17, the day after his return to washington, he intimated to reporters the plan that had taken shape in his mind . 12月17日,即他返回华盛顿的第二天,他向记者们透露了他胸有成竹的计划。