redeem oneself; atone for one's crime 短语和例子 立功自赎 perform meritorious services to atone for one's crime
Related Translations:
立功自赎: perform meritorious services to atone for one's crime
不能自赎的: so bad that nothing one can do can make ufor it that cannot be expiated
Example Sentences:
An uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in his clan may redeem him . or if he prospers , he may redeem himself 49或伯叔,伯叔的儿子,本家的近支,都可以赎他。他自己若渐渐富足,也可以自赎。
Or his father ' s brother , or the son of his father ' s brother , or any near relation ; or if he gets money , he may make himself free 或伯叔、伯叔的儿子、本家的近支、都可以赎他他自己若渐渐富足、也可以自赎。
If my offence be of such mortal kind that nor my service past , nor present sorrows , nor purposed merit in futurity , can ransom me into his love again , but to know so must be my benefit ; so shall i clothe me in a forced content , and shut myself up in some other course , to fortune ' s alms 假如我果然罪大恶极,无论过去的微劳、现在的悔恨或是将来立功自赎的决心,都不能博取他的矜怜宽谅,那麽我也希望得到一个明白的答覆,我就死心塌地向别处去乞讨命运的布施了。