| 1. | The church bells keep me from sleeping . 教堂的钟声吵得我睡不着觉。 |
| 2. | His eyes were red and sleepless . 他的眼睛因为没有睡好觉布满血丝。 |
| 3. | Croft felt superior and dejected . 克洛夫特觉自命不凡又灰心丧气。 |
| 4. | His rest had been deep and undisturbed . 这一觉睡得好不深沉,好不酣畅。 |
| 5. | Her feelings were part anger , part relief . 她既感愤怒又觉宽慰。 |
| 6. | You 'll feel better after a good sleep . 你睡个好觉,精神就会好一些了。 |
| 7. | I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 |
| 8. | I think i 'll go upstairs and have a sleep .. 我想上楼去睡一觉。 |
| 9. | He can not have slept through all that noise . 那么吵,他不可能睡得着觉。 |
| 10. | I was stiff from sleeping on the ground . 在地上睡了一觉,我感到浑身僵直。 |