| 1. | Computers crash at the very sight of him 他是计算机问题的克星。 |
| 2. | I have a knack for computers . i can fix most computer problems 我在计算机方面有天赋。我能修理大部分计算机问题。 |
| 3. | Everyone has his own way of handling the laptop question when running a meeting 每个人主持会议时,各有应付笔记型计算机问题的方法。 |
| 4. | Problems with computers earlier this year disrupted trading on the tokyo stock exchange 今年早些时候出现的计算机问题中断了东京证券交易所的交易。 |
| 5. | Windows 2000 includes a wide range of troubleshooters that help you solve many common computer problems Windows2000包含一个范围广泛的疑难解答,可帮助您解决许多常见的计算机问题。 |
| 6. | Job tracking system created for a university department that deals with computer - related problems encountered by both students and staff 该软件是为大学中的系部门创建,用于处理学生和教职员工遇到的各种计算机问题。 |
| 7. | The association for computational linguistics is the international scientific and professional society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation 计算机语言学会为国际性科学专业团体,由涉及自然语言与计算机问题的研究者组成。 |
| 8. | The sudden emergence of " y2k " in headlines all over the world is a simple shorthand for the coming transition of the year 2000 in the western gregorian calendar and the problems that might occur as a result of the date change 突然见诸全世界各大报章的“千年虫”问题是在西方格雷果里历(由教皇格雷果里十三提倡并至今通用的西方历法,亦称阳历)进入2000年而将面临的由于日期的变化而可能发生的计算机问题的一种简要的表述。 |