| 1. | That much was only the latter act of a much greater drama . 这些都不过是一出巨大得多的戏剧里较后的一幕而已。 |
| 2. | From the date of course accreditation , whichever is the latest 交回本处,两者以较后的日期计算。 |
| 3. | The loans can either be drawn down in the same month or in the following months 这些贷款可以在同一个月内取用,亦可在较后的月份才取用。 |
| 4. | Immediately after the meeting of the finance committee or at 5 : 00 pm whichever is the later 时间:紧接财务委员会会议或下午5时以较后的时间为准 |
| 5. | Only information in a power later in the power chain the is different from the base power is covered in the power being described 在异能链中排序较后的异能,只说明其与基本异能不同的部分。 |
| 6. | Major physical and non - physical components of the proposed gateway centre will be identified in the later part of the study 建议的旅游门廊主要的实质和非实质元素,将会在这项研究较后的部分决定。 |
| 7. | Unless a later date has been specified , it may take effect after it is signed by the chief executive and promulgated in the gazette 除非法案订明较后的生效日期,否则有关法例经行政长官签署并在宪报公布后便可生效。 |
| 8. | Under this framework , the implementing of details of the problem domain with scripts can be delayed to more late stage of designing 应用该框架,可以将具体的业务逻辑的实现用比较简单的脚本语言( script )在设计的较后的阶段进行。 |
| 9. | The candidate components will not be finalized at this stage since they need to be verified by interaction modelling ( dynamic view ) during later task 待用组件需在较后的工作项目进行时由(动态)交互模型加以核实,因此不会在这个阶段作出定论。 |
| 10. | In 2004 , the spread between hong kong and us interest rates widened , as substantial fund inflows in the latter part of the year drove local rates substantially below those of the us 二零零四年港元与美元息率的差距扩大,特别是在去年较后的时段大量的资金流入,使港元息率显著低于美元息率。 |