[ guòlairén, guòláirén ] a person who has had the experience; an experienced hand 短语和例子 你是过来人, 当然明白其中道理。 you are a man that has gone through it all, naturally you know the whys and wherefores of it. 要知水深浅, 须问过来人。 he knows the water best who has waded through it
Related Translations:
要知前方路须问过来人: if you wish to know the road ahead inquire of those who have travelled it
要知水深浅须问过来人: he knows the water best who has waded through it
欲知河浅深须问过来人: he knows the water best who has waded through it
Example Sentences:
He knows the water best who has waded through it . 须问过来人。
You are a man that has gone through it all , naturally you know the whys and wherefores of it . 你是过来人,当然明白其中道理。
She gave up talking as she saw bette was trying to listen to the speech that was being relayed through a loud-speaker tied to one of the trees . 系在一棵树上的扩音机里传过来人家的演讲,她看见蓓蒂要听就不说话了。
" just listen to me , i was like you " he said “听我的没错,我是过来人。 ”他说。
Here i just serve as an a n experienced person 在这里我只是作为一个过来人。
He said that wouldn ' t be enough 由于我是过来人,所以不愿对此事说长道短。
Ask a n experienced person to give directions 请过来人指点一下。
I end up counselling people about it because i ' ve been through it 由于我是过来人,所以不愿对此事说长道短。
But he was a man of experience himself , and let life take its course 但是他自已是个过来人,所以他听其自然。
Look for those a n experienced person to borrow . it is oneself start work again search 找那些过来人借一下.再就是自己动手搜一下