| 1. | Wtsbends working time saved at both ends 装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算速遣费 |
| 2. | Dhdwts despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved 速遣费为滞期费的一半 |
| 3. | D . l . o dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费 |
| 4. | D . l . o dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费 |
| 5. | D . d . o dlspatch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费 |
| 6. | D . d . o dlspatch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费 |
| 7. | Demurrage half despatch d1 2 速遣费为滞期费的一半 |
| 8. | Dhdwts despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 装卸港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半 |
| 9. | Dhdwts despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 装卸港口的速遣费均按滞期费的一半 |
| 10. | Deduction for demurrage occurred or addition for dispatch earned will be settled under the l / c 信用证中直接扣除逾期费或增加速遣费。 |