at every festival and at new year; on new year's day or other festivals
Example Sentences:
I often have meetings with the religious leaders in this country 例如,逢年过节时我会同他们见面交换看法。
Old hao then became a regular guest at the embassy on chinese festival celebrations 于是老郝头逢年过节都被大使馆邀请出席招待会。
Parts of china . original wood blocks used in the printing process are displayed as well 逢年过节,人们最喜欢将年画贴在门上作为一种装饰。
On new year s day and other festival days , she would try only to say nice things , and never let the word " no " rashly fall from her mouth ,逢年过节她总是吉利话不离口,从没说过一个“不”字。
They worship and make offerings on various occasions , such as moving , promotions , weddings and any other significant events 无论家庭大事,迁居,喜庆事物,子女金榜题名,或逢年过节…等也都会祭天公和敬祖。
No matter when festivals and ceremonies of happiness and sadness are , and in which the fields and streets and lanes they are , you can see the performance and hear the singing 无论逢年过节、喜忧大典还是平常在田间地头、街头巷尾,无时没有戏的演唱、戏的表演。
At holidays and the temple fair , comes from shanghai and the peripheral locality pilgrim is , nearbyvillagers exhibit several hundred stalls , sells the local agriculturalproduct 逢年过节及庙会,来自上海及周边地区的香客数以万计,附近村民摆出数百个摊位,推销当地农产品。