Whether penalties for driving with a high bac or excessive taxation on consumption of alcoholic drinks will deter the excessive drinker responsible for most accidents is unclear 对血液中酒精含量高的驾驶员进行惩罚或对酒征收高税,这两种做法能否对造成多数事故的过量饮酒人起到威慑作用,还尚无定论。
Whether penalties for driving with a high bac for excessive tax ation on consumption of alcoholic drinks will deter the excessive drinker responsible for most accident is unclear 对血液中酒精含量高的驾驶员进行惩罚或对酒征收高税,这两种做法能否对造成多数事故的过量饮酒任期到威慑作用,还尚未定论。