| 1. | This is why more and more problems become occurring in the chinese bancassurance business model 正因为如此,目前我国银行柜台代理销售保险业务的模式所存在的各种问题日趋明显。 |
| 2. | Contains unrelated subjects ( ex : a site that reviews toys and tries to sell insurance viagra ) 一个站点的内容混杂而没有一点的关联,比如一个评论玩具的站点,同时销售保险或者伟哥。 |
| 3. | Contains unrelated subjects ( ex : a site that reviews toys and tries to sell insurance or viagra ) 一个站点的内容混杂而没有一点的关联,比如一个评论玩具的站点,同时销售保险或者伟哥。 |
| 4. | Contains unrelated subjects ( ex : a site that reviews toys and tries to sell insurance o r viagra ) 一个站点的内容混杂而没有一点的关联,比如一个评论玩具的站点,同时销售保险或者伟哥。 |
| 5. | A bancassurance business model refers the methods by which the transactions of insurance products are realized through the bank channe 所谓银行保险的销售模式,是指通过银行渠道销售保险产品的具体方式。 |
| 6. | Directcar . com is a modern auto insurance company that sells insurance through the internet and has less than one million policy holders Directcar . com是一家现代的汽车保险公司,该公司通过internet销售保险,拥有不到100万的保险客户。 |
| 7. | Acting sales of insurance products : acting charge premium ; according to insurance companies , agents prospecting and adjustments related business losses 代理销售保险产品:代理收取保险费;根据保险公司委托、代理相关业务的损失勘查和理赔。 |
| 8. | Acting sales of insurance products ; agents collect insurance , according to insurance companies , agents prospecting and adjustments related business losses 代理销售保险产品;代理收取保险费,根据保险公司委托,代理相关业务的损失勘查和理赔。 |
| 9. | Acting sales of insurance products ; agents collect insurance ; according to insurance companies , agents prospecting and adjustments related business losses 代理销售保险产品;代理收取保险费;根据保险公司委托,代理相关业务的损失勘查和理赔。 |