Compared to london under the blitz, the city looked at peace. fewer uniforms were in sight, and almost no trucks or tanks . 同闪击战下的伦敦相比,这个城市看起来非常太平,穿军服的人要少的多,几乎没有什么卡车和坦克。
The rockets also are convinced - - long before we find out whether they can finally do some playoff damage for the first time since the days of hakeem olajuwon , charles barkley and clyde drexler - - that they will quickly hush the skeptics who question yao ' s ability to keep up in adelman ' s faster - paced offense 火箭确信,那些置疑姚明是否融入阿帅带来的闪击战体系的怀疑将很快平息,尽管很久以后我们才能确信,继奥拉朱旺、巴克利、德雷克斯勒一代之后,新一代的火箭在季后赛中能否有所作为。