| 1. | Araktcheevs eyes turned to him . sit down , said araktcheev 阿拉克切耶夫向他转过脸来。 |
| 2. | What is it you are petitioning for ? asked araktcheev “您有何请求? ”阿拉克切耶夫问道。 |
| 3. | Count araktcheevs anteroom had quite a special character 阿拉克切耶夫伯爵的接待室是十分特殊的。 |
| 4. | Now all were replaced by speransky on the civil side and araktcheev on the military 目前在民政部门由斯佩兰斯基在军政部门由阿拉克切耶夫取代所有这些人。 |
| 5. | I did love you , but araktcheev has bidden me , and i will kill the first that moves forward “我爱过你们,可现在阿拉克切耶夫命令我,谁首先往前走就干掉谁。 ” |
| 6. | I do not approve , said araktcheev , getting up and taking a paper out of the writing - table 我不赞成, ”阿拉克切耶夫站立起来,从写字台上拿起一份公文时说道, “瞧。 ” |
| 7. | At nine oclock in the morning on the day appointed , prince andrey entered count araktcheevs reception - room 在约定的那天,上午九点钟,安德烈公爵来到接待室求见阿拉克切耶夫伯爵。 |
| 8. | A few days later , prince andrey received notice that he was to call upon the minister of war , count araktcheev 过了几天有人告知安德烈公爵:他应当去见军政大臣阿拉克切耶夫伯爵。 |
| 9. | Boris saw that araktcheev envied balashov and was displeased at any important news having reached the tsar not through him 鲍里斯明白了,阿拉克切耶夫嫉妒巴拉瑟夫,不满意那个虽然很重要的消息不经过他就奏知了皇帝。 |
| 10. | At the tsars command , he sent reports personally to him , and wrote to araktcheev : my sovereigns will is law , but i can do nothing acting with the minister 他在给阿拉克切耶夫的信中写道: “虽然这是我皇上的旨意,但我无论如何也无法与大臣巴克莱相处下去。 |