| 1. | Let 's find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy . 怎样才能雅俗共赏才好。 |
| 2. | The tea culture , which is a very refined and popular culture carries widely a social nature 摘要茶文化雅俗共赏,具有广泛的社会性。 |
| 3. | The book will be compiled in a reader - friendly way , so as to retain both the academic standard and fun of reading 此书的编写尽量做到深入浅出雅俗共赏,既要保持一定的学术水平,又要具有高度的趣味性。 |
| 4. | Is worth watching . it is definitely a success in pointing a new direction for the yakuza japanese gangster genre in japan 这或许间接解释了此片为什么在娱乐性方面会变得比较迎合大众口味,电影风格亦变得雅俗共赏。 |
| 5. | Is worth watching . it is definitely a success in pointing a new direction for the yakuza ( japanese gangster ) genre in japan 这或许间接解释了此片为什么在娱乐性方面会变得比较迎合大众口味,电影风格亦变得雅俗共赏。 |
| 6. | The " ru - hua " and common language played a pivotal role in guiding the general public into the very heart of the novels , showing its artistic features to the readers 入话里可能包含著大众的心理、作者的修辞、社会的倾向,以及市场经济的多元现象、雅俗共赏的审美情趣等。 |
| 7. | Nonetheless , it is still a very satisfactory work , as the movie is not merely entertaining , but also reflects the culture of the people genuinely and contains certain introspective moments 当然,论深度和代表性,金鸡或许难和该片相比,但编导能做到雅俗共赏,好笑之外不乏值得反思的场面,已经算是成功了。 |
| 8. | The most useful thoughts deserved refered is that : the modern publishing should go out of the wrong area of noble and the isolation of market , use the books suiting both refined and popular tastes 冯梦龙编辑思想中最值得借鉴的是,当代出版走出贵族化和脱离市场的误区,走大众出版的道路,用雅俗共赏的图书来满足大众的需求。 |
| 9. | The copper and aluminum properties of turquoise seems to have a strong soothing effect on the arthritis . turquoise protects and detoxes from alcohol , poison , and pollution . it aids against anorexia , headache , fear 绿松石是一种雅俗共赏的宝石,它可以引人注目地镶嵌在正规的传统首饰上显得雍容古朴,也可以随意地佩戴,而且它物美价廉,差不多人人都买得起。 |
| 10. | It intentionally distorts the history of the new may 4 literature in terms of the gradual development in its nationalization , popularization and suiting both the refined and popular tastes , thus paving the way for vulgar literature 其次, “两个翅膀论”故意在严肃文学、通俗文学与低俗文学之间制造混乱,故意曲解“五四”新文学一步步民族化、通俗化,雅俗共赏的历史,为低俗文学鸣锣开道。 |