振: 动词1.(摇动; 挥动) shake; flap; wield 短语和例子振落 shake off; 振翅 flap the wings; flutter2.(奋起) brace up; rise with force and spirit 短语和例子一蹶不振 never to rise again; 食欲不振 lose one's appetite; have a jad
静: Ⅰ形容词1.(安定不动; 平静) still; calm; motionless 短语和例子风平浪静 calm and tranquil; 静立 stand still; 静卧 lie motionless2.(没有声响; 清静) silent; quiet 短语和例子夜阑人静 in the dead of night; in the still [quiet] of th