| 1. | Code for classification and type of highway pavement 公路路面等级与面层类型代码 |
| 2. | Accept standard for wood flooring surface after installstion 木地板铺设面层验收规范 |
| 3. | Research on antiskid materials for walk bridge 人行天桥防滑面层材料的研究 |
| 4. | Test method for tackiness of finish on leather 皮革面层的粘合性的测试方法 |
| 5. | Inspect standard for wood flooring surface during guarantee 木地板保修期内面层验收规范 |
| 6. | Rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures in the middle course 中面层沥青混合料抗车辙性能研究 |
| 7. | Test method for flexibility and adhesion of finish on leather 皮革面层挠性和粘结性的试验方法 |
| 8. | Code of practice for installation of laminate floor coverings 多层压合楼面覆面层的安装实施规程 |
| 9. | Study of bituminous overlay on old cement concrete pavement 旧水泥混凝土路面加铺沥青面层的研究 |
| 10. | Reason analysis on water - destroy on asphalt pavement of expressway 高速公路桥面沥青面层水破坏初探 |