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79.a pirate’s talk of his past
海盗的经历  detail>>
talk about his past
谈论关于他的过去  detail>>
father’s recalling his past
父亲追忆他的过去  detail>>
his prehistoric past
史前时期的人类  detail>>
past his best
过了他的鼎盛时期  detail>>
he rambles in his talk
他谈话时漫无中心  detail>>
talk through his hat
吹牛  detail>>
talk about past ongoing activities
谈论过去进行的活动  detail>>
arrow whizzed past his head
一支箭在他头旁飕地飞过  detail>>
bullets whistled past his ears
子弹刺溜刺溜地从他耳边擦过去the  detail>>
we know nothing of his past
我们一点也不知道他已往的历史  detail>>
talk to his students about holidays
和他的学生一起谈论假期  detail>>
 n.  1.海盗;海盗船。 2.(著作等的)剽窃者;侵害版权[专利权]者。 3.〔英国〕非法行走专有路线的私营公共汽车[马车]。 4.未经...  detail>>
the pirate
风流海盗  detail>>
his glib talk sounds as sweet as a song
他说的比唱的还好听  detail>>
and past
经验与过去,213  detail>>
 adj.  过去的,以往的。  detail>>
in the past
(过去) →多与过去时连用 在过去(用一般过去时) 在过去,以往  detail>>