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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

advection n.(热的)对流;(空气的)平流。adj.-vectiv...
advent n.1.(季节、事件等的)到来,出现。2.〔A-〕耶稣降...
adventism n.耶稣再生论。Adventist n.耶稣再生论者。
adventitia n.【解剖学】外膜。
adventitious adj.1.偶然的;外来的。2.【生物学】不定的,偶生的...
adventitious buds 不定芽。
adventitious plants 新引种植物,外来植物。
adventitious root 不定根。
adventive adj.非本土的,外来的,引进的。n.(动植物的)非本地...
adventure n.1.冒险。2.奇遇。3.【商业】投机。4.冒险性格。...
adventuresome adj.冒险的。
adventuress n.女冒险家,女投机分子。
adventurous adj.1.爱冒险的;胆大的。2.冒险的;危险的。adv...
adverb n.【语法】副词。 relative [interrog...
adverbial adj.副词的;状语的。 an adverbial cl...
adversary n.1.敌手,对手,反对者。2.〔the A-〕 魔鬼。...
adversative adj.(词等)意义相反的。n.【语法】反意语〔如 bu...
adverse adj.1.逆的L反对的,相反的。2.不利的,有害的,不...
adversity n.逆境,苦难,不幸。 Sweet are the us...
advert vi.留意,注意;提到,谈到 (to)。 He adve...
advertise vt.1.为…做广告。2.通告,通知 (of)。3.宣扬...
advertisement n.1.做广告,登广告。2.广告,公告;告示。
advertiser n.1.登广告的人,广告客户。2.〔A-〕 (以广告为主...
advertising adj.广告(业)的。 an advertising a...
advertising man advertising man = adman.
advertize advertize = advertise.
advice n.1.忠告,劝告;建议;指教。2.(医生等的)诊察,意...
advisability n.可劝告;适当,得当。
advisable adj.能劝告的,适当的,可取的。 An advisab...
advisably adv.得当,适当。
advise vt.1.忠告,劝告,建议。2.【商业】通告,通知。 a...
advised adj.1.考虑过的,细想过的〔今多用于构成复合词〕。2...
advisedly adv.深思熟虑地;故意地。
advisement n.1.劝告,意见,忠告。2.考虑;深思熟虑。短语和例子...
adviser n.1.劝告者,顾问。2.(美大学)指导教授,导师。短语...
advisory adj.1.劝告的,忠告的。2.顾问的,咨询的。短语和例...
advocacy n.拥护;鼓吹;主张,辩护。 speak in advo...
advocate n.1.拥护者,鼓吹者,提倡者。2.律师。短语和例子an...
advocation n.1.〔废语〕辩护。2.(苏格兰和罗马教庭)高级法院从...
advocator n.拥护者,鼓吹者,提倡者,辩护者。
advocatory adj.1.辩护士的。2.辩护的;鼓吹的。
advocatus diaboli 〔拉丁语〕 = devil's advocate.
adynamia n.【医学】虚弱,无力,衰竭。
adynamic adj.衰弱的,虚弱的。
adytum n.(pl. -ta ) (古代庙宇中的)内殿,内院;密...
adz n.手斧,锛子。vt.用锛子锛,用手斧劈。
adzuki bean n.小豆,赤豆。
ae adj.〔Scot〕. =one.
aec AEC = Atomic Energy Commissi...
aecidium n.(pl. -cidia ) 【植物;植物学】锈孢子器...
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