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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

accident n.1.故障,事故,偶发事件;偶然。2.灾难,灾害,不幸...
accident insurance 伤亡保险。
accident-prone adj.(因粗枝大叶而)特别易出事故的。
accidental adj.1.偶然的,不测的;意外的 (opp. plan...
accidental colours 【物理学】偶生色。
accidental notation 【音乐】升降符号。
accidental president 意外总统〔指因美国总统死亡或辞职等而由副总统接任的总统〕...
accidentally adv.偶然,意外,附带。 to meet accide...
accidie n.= acedia.
accipiter n.(pl. -tres )1.【动物;动物学】鹰属。2...
accipitral adj.鹰(样)的;眼光敏锐的;贪婪的。
accipitrine adj.鹰(样)的;眼光敏锐的;贪婪的。
acclaim n.〔诗〕喝采,欢呼。vt.,vi.(为…)喝采,欢呼着...
acclamation n.喝采,称赞,欢呼;鼓掌通过。amidst the l...
acclamatory adj.喝采的,欢呼的,全场一致的。
acclimate 〔美国〕 = acclimatize.
acclimation n.〔美国〕 = acclimatization.
acclimatization n.服水土,适应气候。
acclimatization fever 水土病。
acclimatize vt.,vi.(使)服水土,(使)适应新环境。 accl...
acclivity n.倾斜,斜坡,上斜 (opp. declivity)。
acclivous adj.向上倾斜的。
accolade n.1.武士爵位的授与(礼)。2.嘉奖,表扬;(见面问好...
accommodate vt.1.适应,顺应,调节;迁就,迎合。2.劝息,调停,...
accommodating adj.亲切的,爽气的;易打交道的。 an accomm...
accommodation n.1.适应(性),顺应,迁就;调节(作用)。2.和解,...
accommodation bill 〔英国〕通融票据。
accommodation bridge 专用[特设]桥梁。
accommodation ladder 舷梯。
accommodation payment 回扣式付款〔一种先多收顾客款再暗中退还从而掩盖贿赂的付款...
accommodation road 专用道路。
accommodation sale 【商业】转批。
accommodation train 〔美国〕慢车 (opp. express train)。
accommodator n.1.调节者。2.调解人。3.贷款人。4.临时的用人。
accompaniment n.1.伴随物,附属物。2.【音乐】伴奏,和奏,助音。短...
accompanist n.【音乐】伴奏者,伴唱者。
accompany vt.1.陪,伴,陪着;陪衬,衬,兼带。2.给…伴奏,与...
accomplice n.同谋,同犯;帮凶。
accomplish vt.成就,完成,贯彻(计划等),达到(目的);实行。 ...
accomplished adj.1.已完成的。2.有教养的,有才能的,学识渊博的...
accomplishment n.1.成就,完成,履行,贯彻,实行。2.〔pl.〕才能...
accord vi.一致,与…符合 (with)。 His actio...
accordance n.1.一致,协调。2.给予。短语和例子in accor...
accordant adj.一致的,相合的;成谐音的;调和的 (with; ...
according adv.照,依,据,按。 according as 照,...
accordingly adv.1.因此,于是,所以。2.随着;相应地。短语和例...
accordion n.手风琴。adj.(如手风琴般)可折叠的。n.-ist...
accost vt.1.(接近…)搭话;招呼(不认识的人)。2.(娼妓...
accouchement n.〔法语〕分娩,生产。
accoucheur n.〔法语〕(男)产科医士。
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