| 1. | The agency in charge of uniformly deliberating the draft of a local decree shall present a deliberation result report and the amended draft 地方性法规草案由负责统一审议的机构提出审议结果的报告和草案修改稿。 |
| 2. | The agency in charge of construction shall fix the front lot line of the construction after the promulgation of the abovementioned road system map 前项道路系统图经核定公布施行后,建筑主管机关应即规定建筑物之境界线。 |
| 3. | The establishment and function of the agencies in charge of social insurance funds and the supervisory organizations of social insurance funds shall be stipulated by laws 社会保险基金经办机构和社会保险基金监督机构的设立和职能由法律规定。 |
| 4. | In the material files managed database , it can remember and manage data , and it is the agencies in charge of offer the files customer wanted 在所建立的材料学文档管理数据库中,该数据库是存储和管理数据并负责向用户提供所需数据的“机构” 。 |
| 5. | Article 19 the term " the bas unit " mentioned in article 19 of this act means the statistics agency in charge at all levels of the government under the provisions set forth in article 2 of this rules 第19条本法第十九条所称主管主计机关,系指第二条规定之各级政府主办统计之机关。 |
| 6. | Objectives are submitted by the management department , reviewed by each agency in charge and then made public . they will be quantified , set at the management review meeting annually and announced 由管理部门提出经各单位审查后公告,目标以量化并于每年管理审查会议中设定并公告。 |
| 7. | In applying for trademark registration on cigarettes , cigars or packaged cut tobacco , documentation concerning production approval from the government agency in charge of tobacco shall be attached to the application 申请卷烟、雪茄烟和包装烟丝的商标注册,应当附送国家烟草主管机关批准生产的证明文件。 |
| 8. | Article 104 the functionaries of the state or the agencies in charge of social insurance funds who misappropriate the social insurance funds , shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law if a crime is constituted 第一百零四条国家工作人员和社会保险基金经办机构的工作人员挪用社会保险基金,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 |
| 9. | Article 74 the agencies in charge of social insurance funds shall collect , expend , manage and operate the funds in accordance with the stipulations of laws , and assume the responsibility to maintain and raise the value of these funds 第七十四条社会保险基金经办机构依照法律规定收支、管理和运营社会保险基金,并负有使社会保险基金保值增值的责任。 |
| 10. | But under proposals to be discussed at a november meeting of the radiocommunication sector of the international telecommunication union ? the united nations agency in charge of broadcasting official time ? this leap second might be the last 但是在今年11月的会议中,联合国负责发布标准时间的“国际电信联盟”无线电通讯部门声明,这也许是最后一次润秒了。 |