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Chinese translation for "assist shape"


Related Translations:
assists:  协助次数助攻次数助杀次数
assist:  vt.1.(在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (in, with)。2.帮助某人做某事 (in doing sth; to do sth)。3.搀扶(某人)上[下]车 (in) [out of] 扶(某人)站起 (to his foot) 给(小孩)喂食 (to)。 assist an architect in project 帮助设计师搞设计。 She assisted him
assist management:  协助管理
propulsion assisted:  辅助推进
dorsiflexion assist:  背屈辅助装置
computer assisted:  计算机辅助的
keel assist:  龙骨助推
assisted draft:  补强通风补助通风辅助的通风辅助通风强制通风
assisted goal:  有协助的射中
assisted telephone interviewing:  计算机辅助电话访谈
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