| 1. | It is said to have a deficit on its balance of payments . 在该国的国际收支表上会出现一项逆差。 |
| 2. | The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit . 黄金外流可以暂时填补国际收支的逆差。 |
| 3. | This definition of the balance of payments account is straightforward enough . 国际收支平衡表的这一定义是相当明确的。 |
| 4. | Conversely the balance of payments of the host country is helped in the short run and may be hurt in the long . 反之,东道国的国际收支得益于短期,而受害于长期。 |
| 5. | The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to hume's dictum . 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。 |
| 6. | When a country's exports exceed its imports, that part of the balance of payments will show a surplus . 当一个国家的出口大于其进口时,其国际收支表的该项目下就全出现顺差。 |
| 7. | The primary objective of commercial policy in low-income countries is likely to be defense of the balance of payments . 在低收入国家,贸易政策的基本目标看来是要保持国际收支平衡。 |
| 8. | As a result, the burden on the balance of payments increased as more than 30 percent of the supplies were imported in the late 1970s . 结果,在七十年代末期,30以上的供应额靠进口,加重了国际收支的负担。 |
| 9. | The impact of direct investment on the balance of payments of the investing country is adverse in the short run, helpful in the long . 从短期看来,直接投资对投资国国际收资的影响是不利的,但从长期来看,则是有益的。 |
| 10. | Interference with direct investment to improve the balance of payments is clearly a second-best policy. the best attack is through macroeconomic tools . 干预直接投资以求改善收支平衡显然是一种次佳政策,最佳之着乃是运用宏观经济工具。 |