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bank’s office
银行服务处  detail>>
multiple office bank
设立多处办事处的银行  detail>>
post office saving bank
邮政储蓄银行  detail>>
post office savings bank
邮局储蓄银行 邮政储蓄银行  detail>>
general office of state development bank
国家开发银行办公厅  detail>>
post office savings bank (posbank)
储蓄银行  detail>>
tanganyika post office savings bank
坦噶尼喀邮政储蓄银行  detail>>
at the office
在办公室  detail>>
be in office
当职,在执政  detail>>
be in the office
在办公室  detail>>
in office
在办公 执政;在位  detail>>
in the office
在办公室里  detail>>
 n.  1.职务,任务。 2.公职,官职;职责,任务。 3.政府机关,公署,部,司,处,局,科。 4.〔常 pl.〕办公室;办事处;事务处...  detail>>
s office
武官处  detail>>
the office
办公室风云 办公室故事 在班上/家里/图书馆/公  detail>>
at a bank
在银行  detail>>
at bank
在银行  detail>>
at the bank
在银行  detail>>