damage: n.1.损害,损伤;〔口语〕伤害,毁坏。2.〔口语〕费用,代价。3.〔pl.〕 【法律】 赔偿损失;赔偿金。短语和例子What's the damage? 〔口语〕要花多少钱? a claim for damages 赔偿损失的要求。 costs and damages 讼费和损害费。 I will stand the damage. 我来掏腰包好啦。 do [cause,
through: 短语和例子The river flows through the city. 这条河贯穿这个城。 May I through you ask the delegate of ... to ... 可否通过你代为请求某代表…。 The sun breaks through the clouds. 日光从云缝中穿漏出来。 through the winter 整个冬天,一冬。