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 vt.  1.决定,决心。 2.使下决心,使决断;使解决。 3.裁决,判决。  vi.  1.决定,决心,选...  detail>>
decide for
作出有利于…的决定 作对…有利的决定  detail>>
decide on
对…..作出决定 记住了 选定,决定 决定,定好;决定使用,选用 考虑后选定或决定 选定,决定 穴,决定  detail>>
decide to
决定要……  detail>>
to decide, to decide to decide to decide
最后决定  detail>>
but the jury will decide
但是陪审团自有裁决  detail>>
consider and decide
裁夺  detail>>
decide a case
判案  detail>>
decide against
决定不做 决心不…  detail>>
decide between
于两者中选择其一  detail>>
decide by ballot
投票表决  detail>>
decide by lot
拈阄决定  detail>>
decide for yourself
信不信由你  detail>>
decide internally
内定  detail>>
decide it yourself
你自己找吧  detail>>
decide on (upon)
考虑后决定  detail>>
decide on a policy
定方针  detail>>
decide on points
按分数评定胜负  detail>>