Chinese translation for "denavit"
- 德纳维
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Secondly , a error model for robots at large has been set up based on denavit - hartenberg parameters in the paper 本文推导了机器人工作空间位姿变换矩阵,建立了完整的机器人末端位姿误差分析模型。 | | 2. | The following is the main work and results : based on the definition of cartesian coordinates fixed on different linkages , the kinematics model of the robot is established with denavit - hartenberg method 主要工作如下:在建立连杆坐标系的基础上,采用denavit - hartenberg方法建立了铺丝机械手的运动学模型。 | | 3. | ( 2 ) link coordinates of the manipulator were set up by denavit - hartenberg method . simultaneously , forward kinematics and inverse kinematics was modeled through homogeneous transformation and jacobian matrix was reached as well , which provided the basis for kinematics analysis , simulation and performance optimization ( 2 )采用denavit - hartenberg方法设定了番茄收获机械手杆件坐标系,通过齐次变换建立了正运动学与逆运动学模型,获得了番茄收获机械手雅可比矩阵,为机械手运动学分析、仿真与性能优化奠定了理论基础。 | | 4. | Kinematic analysis : by denavit - hartenberg method , space geometry relationship of each pole relative to fixed reference frame can be described with equal index transform , also do space relationship of two adjacent poles with 4x4 equal index . so equivalent equal index transform matrix can be deduced from them . when sportive equations and sportive coordinate frame of workpiece exercise point are set up , the coordinate values of exercise point can be got , the pose and situation of two manipulators are analysed , in the end each joint valiable and its velocity , acceleration are worked o ut 运动学分析:利用denavit ? hartenberg法,用齐次变换描述各个杆件相对于固定参考系的空间几何关系,用一4 4的齐次变换矩阵描述机邻两杆的空间关系,从而推导出等价齐次变换矩阵,建立两机械手运动方程,确定工件作业点随动坐标系,求出作业点坐标,对两机械手的位姿进行解析,求出两机械手的各关节变量及其速度、加速度值。 |
- Similar Words:
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