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Chinese translation for "desalter"


Related Translations:
electric desalter:  电脱盐器电脱盐装置
desalter brine:  脱盐装置含盐污水
desalter reduced crude:  粗脱盐蒸余油粗脱盐蒸馀油
Example Sentences:
1.Commissioning of the world s largest desalination plant at the time - the lok on pai desalter
2.In 1982 , under pressure from the public , the government finally closed down the desalter
3.In this text , according to electric particles ' orbits in electro - magnetic field , a new kind of electro - magnetic field desalter is recommended , also simple calculation is done to the model
4.In 1973 the hong kong government , using the knowledge gained from the pilot plant , officially embarked on constructing the world s largest desalination plant at the time - the lok on pai desalter
吸取海水化淡试验厂的研究经验后, 1973年港府正式筹建当时全世界最大规模的海水化淡厂青山乐安排海水化淡厂。
5.The construction works were under the supervision and management of the consulting firm , binnie & partners ( hong kong ) , and the plant was supplied and installed by the sasakura engineering co . ltd . . in october 1975 , the first unit of the desalter was commissioned
兴建工程由宾尼(香港)公司( binnie & partners ( hongkong ) )出任顾问,金门(香港)有限公司承建,海水化淡机由大阪世仓工程有限公司供给。
6.In 1977 , owing to insufficient rainfall , hong kong again had to impose stage ii water restrictions . in order to increase the supply of fresh water , the lok on pai desalter put 4 units into production and by september , all 6 units were in operation . during this year the desalination plant was working at its maximum capacity , with 200 workers in the desalter , production was planned to increase to 60 , 000 , 000 gallons
化淡厂的第一组锅炉于1975年10月正式投产, 1977年,香港再次因降雨量不足实行二级制水,为增加食水供应量,乐安排海水化淡厂的四组锅炉同时投入生产, 1977年9月, 6组锅炉全面使用,是年政府扩充化淡厂规模,增聘工人至200名,计划将海水化淡每日产量增至6千万加仑。
7.However , due to confrontation in the middle east between iran and iraq , the price of fuel in 1981 rose 3 times compared with 1978 . in 1981 it was expected that the price of producing 1 , 000 gallons of fresh water would be as high as $ 38 making the annual running costs of the desalter , $ 500 , 000 , 000
由于中东伊拉克与伊朗之间在1980年起发生冲突, 1981年燃油价格与1978年相较,上升了三倍,预料1981年生产1千加仑淡水,成本将高达38元,化淡厂的每年营运成本将增至5亿元。
Similar Words:
"desalted and dewater crude oil" Chinese translation, "desalted and dewatered crude oil" Chinese translation, "desalted crude" Chinese translation, "desalted water" Chinese translation, "desalted water demineralized water" Chinese translation, "desalter brine" Chinese translation, "desalter make-up water" Chinese translation, "desalter reduced crude" Chinese translation, "desaltification" Chinese translation, "desalting" Chinese translation