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do you know where you’re going
你知道你将去哪  detail>>
do you know where youre going to
明了自己的方向吗  detail>>
do you know where you are
身处何方  detail>>
do you knows where you are going to
你知道你要去哪吗  detail>>
where do you think you’re going
你想你要去何方  detail>>
hey where are you going
喂你去哪儿  detail>>
where are you going
你到哪里去 你去哪儿 你去哪里 你去那里 你上哪儿去 你要去哪里  detail>>
where are you going please
请问您要去哪里  detail>>
always know where you are
我总能感觉到你的存在 我总能感觉你的存在 总能感觉你的存在  detail>>
know where you are
我总能感觉到你的存在  detail>>
you will know where it’s from
只为让你明白最初的梦  detail>>
what are you going to do
你干吗  detail>>
and where do you live
你们住哪 你们住在哪  detail>>
where do you live
你住在哪儿 你住在哪里  detail>>
where do you work
你在那里工作  detail>>
where are you going to hang the picture
你打算在那里挂那张照片  detail>>
i miss you now where are you going
想念曾经最温暖的海底  detail>>
i need you now where are you going
想让赤道温暖最寒冷的北极  detail>>