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dont’t quit keeplaying
不要停 继续弹  detail>>
be quit of
摆脱, 脱离, 免除  detail>>
 短语和例子    (quitted , quit)    vt.  1.放弃(信仰、行动、工作等);〔美国〕...  detail>>
keeplaying and keewinning
屡战屡胜  detail>>
东特  detail>>
a call to quit
辞退通知  detail>>
be quit the rage
流行  detail>>
even and quit
公正无误  detail>>
file quit
退出  detail>>
i quit
我不干了  detail>>
notice to quit
解雇通知 迁出通知书 退佃通知  detail>>
quit bluffing
你别唬人  detail>>
quit claim
放弃权利  detail>>
quit concern
停止经营  detail>>
quit flying
停止飞行  detail>>
quit game
退出游戏  detail>>
quit hold of
撒手放开..  detail>>
quit of schooling
失学离校  detail>>