Chinese translation for "dowling"
- 道林
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | On dowling ' s image in quot; shi shuo xin yu quot 中的支道林形象 | | 2. | Hannah : well it says that brent dowling and sonia virone have just got engaged 汉娜:杂志说,布伦特道林和索妮娅瓦伊伦刚刚订婚了。 | | 3. | And did the sad hearts thicken , and did the mourners cry ? no ; such was not the fate of young stephen dowling bots ; though sad hearts round him thickened , twas not from sickness shots 不,年轻的斯蒂芬道林博茨君,他遭到了的并非是这样的命运,周围的人固然哀伤得愈来愈深,他可并非因为病痛而丧身。 | | 4. | This is what she wrote about a boy by the name of stephen dowling bots that fell down a well and was drownded : ode to stephen dowling bots , dec d and did young stephen sicken , and did young stephen die 有一首诗是为一个名叫斯蒂芬道林的男孩不幸坠井而死写的:悼斯蒂芬道林博茨君莫非年轻的斯蒂芬病了? | | 5. | No whooping - cough did rack his frame , nor measles drear with spots ; not these impaired the sacred name of stephen dowling bots . despised love struck not with woe that head of curly knots , nor stomach troubles laid him low , young stephen dowling bots 并非百日咳折磨了他的身子,并非可怕的麻疹害得他斑斑点点布满身,并非是因为什么病痛啊,这才夺去了斯蒂芬道林博茨君的令名。 |
- Similar Words:
- "dowlaiswaram" Chinese translation, "dowland" Chinese translation, "dowlas" Chinese translation, "dowlatabad" Chinese translation, "dowler" Chinese translation, "dowling college" Chinese translation, "dowling lake" Chinese translation, "dowlton insulators ltd" Chinese translation, "dowmeia tundra" Chinese translation, "dowmetal" Chinese translation