Chinese translation for "electrooxidation"
- 电解氧化
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Behavior of doped pbo2 ti anode in electrooxidation of chromium sulfate 阳极在硫酸铬电氧化过程的电极行为 | | 2. | Study on mechanism of synthesis of p - methoxybenzaldehyde by indirect electrooxidation 间接电合成对甲氧基苯甲醛反应机理的研究 | | 3. | All these results provide rich information for understanding the methanol electrooxidation mechanism , and could be helpful to the development of dmfc 以上结果对直接甲醇燃料电池的研究有重要的指导意义。 | | 4. | The supported catalysts with mesocarbon microbeads ( mcmb ) as support were prepared for the first time . the effect of the support pretreatment on the catalyst performance of methanol electrooxidation was examined in detail 在载体研制和机理研究方面的主要成果为: ( 1 )首次采用微米级中间相碳微球( mcmb )作为催化剂的载体,考察了载体预处理对催化剂活性的影响。 | | 5. | The kinetic characteristics of the electrochemical oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome was studied by uv - vis spectroscopy . the measurements showed that the electrooxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome was typical of the first order reaction and the average apparent rate constant is 1 . 92110 以紫外-可见分光光度法为主要手段,研究了肾上腺素电氧化生成肾上腺素红的反应动力学特征。研究结果表明:该反应具有一级反应的动力学特征,且反应的表观反应速率常数的平均值为1 . 92110 |
- Similar Words:
- "electroosmotic flow" Chinese translation, "electroosmotic flow (eof)" Chinese translation, "electroosmotic mobilit" Chinese translation, "electroosmotic mobility" Chinese translation, "electroosmotic process" Chinese translation, "electropad" Chinese translation, "electropaint" Chinese translation, "electropainting" Chinese translation, "electropalatography epg" Chinese translation, "electropane" Chinese translation