| 1. | We will extend the scheme on a step - by - step basis 我们会有步骤地扩大这项计划。 |
| 2. | We are extending the scheme to cover more commodities from time to time 我们亦不时扩大计划,以涵盖更多产品。 |
| 3. | The buildings department is now extending the scheme to cover more buildings 屋宇署正手把试验计划扩展至更多楼宇。 |
| 4. | We are making a bid to extend the scheme to six other provincial cities in the pan - prd region 我们现正争取将计划扩展至泛珠三角区域内仍未开放的六个省会城市。 |
| 5. | Maybe extending the scheme coverage to gain the balance of the system is more important actual work 在相当长的一段时间内完全有可能通过制度覆盖对象的扩大实现均衡。 |
| 6. | We could consider extending the scheme from individual owners to ocs and topping up the fund as necessary 我们可考虑放宽借款的资格,使业主立案法团亦可向基金借款,并在需要时增加该基金的注资。 |
| 7. | We could consider extending the scheme from individual owners to ocs and topping up the fund as necessary 我们可考虑放宽借款的资格,使业主立案法团亦可向基金借款,并在需要时增加该基金的注资。 |
| 8. | As the next stage , we aim to extend the scheme to those pan - prd provincial capitals not yet covered by the scheme 我们会继续积极争取再把这计划扩展至泛珠江三角洲范围里尚未实行个人游的各个省会城市。 |
| 9. | We will monitor the accident situation and do not preclude the possibility of extending the scheme to other vehicle classes if warrant 我们会留意意外情况,并且不排除在有需要时将这项计划扩展至其他车辆类别。 |
| 10. | In yung shue au and kau sai . the department will consider extending the scheme to other fish culture zones having regard to the result of the pioneer operations 该署会视乎试点计划的运作情况,考虑把休闲垂钓活动扩展至其他鱼类养殖区。 |