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Chinese translation for "false jaw"


Related Translations:
jaw:  n.1.颌,颚。2.〔 pl.〕上下颌,口部,口腔。3.〔 pl.〕(峡谷、通路等的)狭口,咽喉。4.【机械工程】爪,虎钳牙;叉头,〔pl.〕夹片。5.〔 pl.〕危险境遇。6.〔口语〕嚼舌头,说废话;讲道,训人。短语和例子the lower [upper] jaw下[上]颌。 The jaws of danger 险境。 Be snatched from the jaws
phossy jaw:  〔口语〕磷毒性颌疽(=phosphorus necrosis)。
lumpy jaw:  【医学】放线菌病 (=actinomycosis)。
lock jaw:  【医学】牙关紧闭症,咀嚼肌痉挛;破伤风。
lantern jaw:  突出的下巴。
jaw breaker:  1.〔口语〕难发音的字。2.〔美俚〕一种圆的硬糖。3.【矿物】颚形碎石[矿]机。
jaw crusher:  颚式破碎机,虎口碎矿机。
jaw plate:  腭板,颌板。
heidelberg jaw:  【人类】史前人的颌骨。
glass jaw:  〔美俚〕拳击选手经不起打击的下颌。
Example Sentences:
1.Lord wilmore , having heard the door close after him , returned to his bedroom , where with one hand he pulled off his light hair , his red whiskers , his false jaw , and his wound , to resume the black hair , dark complexion , and pearly teeth of the count of monte cristo
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