| 1. | A customer turns their phone off at a family event 一个用户如果在家中把手机关了。 |
| 2. | The sparkling dresses , made for occasions such as banquets , state visits and family events , give an insight into how changing 通过展览,游客们可以看到这些年来时尚潮流的变化对伊丽莎白女王的服饰产生了怎样的影响。 |
| 3. | The sparkling dresses , made for occasions such as banquets , state visits and family events , give an insight into how changing fashions have influenced queen elizabeth ' s style through the years 这些华丽的礼服都是为女王出席宴会、进行国事访问及参加家庭聚会而专门订做的。通过展览,游客们可以看到这些年来时尚潮流的变化对伊丽莎白女王的服饰产生了怎样的影响。 |
| 4. | The sparkling dresses , made for occasions such as banquets , state visits and family events , give an insight into how changing fashions have influenced queen elizabeth s style through the years 这些华丽的礼服都是为女王出席宴会进行国事访问及参加家庭聚会而专门订做的。通过展览,游客们可以看到这些年来时尚潮流的变化对伊丽莎白女王的服饰产生了怎样的影响。 |
| 5. | The sparkling dresses , made for occasions such as banquets , state visits and family events , give an insight into how changing fashions have influenced queen elizabeth ' s style through the years 这些华丽的礼服都是为女王出席宴会进行国事访问及参加家庭聚会而专门订做的。通过展览,游客们可以看到这些年来时尚潮流的变化对伊丽莎白女王的服饰产生了怎样的影响。 |
| 6. | The sparkling dresses made for occasions such as banquets state visits and family events give an insight into how changing fashions have influenced queen elizabeth ' s style through the years . they include a silver tissue full - length number embroidered with sequins beads pearls and diamante 女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片小珠子珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服, 1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。 |
| 7. | Riding atv is a very fun and safe off - road sport which makes it a great idea for family events for all ages . besides includes all safety gears , riders will be learning on the yamaha atv . it is very enjoyable and easy to operate motor from yamaha which allows amateurs to be introduced to this amusing sport in a safety manner 今年特别为有兴趣加入车越野运动的朋友设"初级越野沙滩车兴趣班" ,让有志参与这项运动的朋友可以在课程中掌握到基本的越野沙滩车的驾驶技巧,沙滩车是一项安全和简单的越野运动,非常适合一家大小的亲子运动,体验家庭活动的乐趣。 |
| 8. | These trajectories were : ( 1 ) children had to be self - reliant , including taking care of themselves and making their decisions while they were not even aware of the needs for autonomy ; ( 2 ) children were suddenly forced to face the situations that they needed to be self - reliant due to stressful family events ; ( 3 ) children intensely resisted against parental jurisdiction and fought for their own rights ; ( 4 ) children tested parental limits and then gave in ; and ( 5 ) children showed their abilities of being autonomous so that parents had confidence in them , parents then set reasonable limits and children had their rights within these limits 统整?看,能?信任循环、限制中自主?程中,由于子方准备?和自主权之间有所平衡,亲方?把控制视为抚育的一部份,子方感?亲情,并经由合?范围限制中发展自主,因而在自主权?获得的?程较为平顺,自主能?因逐渐形成而发展,亲子关系也在信任尊重和感?亲情中交互?好。 |