The next day he was formally charged with "breaking ranks while in formation, felonious assault, indiscriminate behavior" . 第二天,他正式被指控“在列队时破坏队形,行凶殴打,行为失检”。
It is a misdemeanor to show movies that depict acts of felonious crime 播放描述重罪犯罪行为的影片是轻罪。
He carry out a felonious act 他犯了一个重罪。
The next day he was formally charged with " breaking ranks while in formation , felonious assault , indiscriminate behavior " 第二天,他正式被指控“在列队时破坏队形,行凶殴打,行为失检” 。
But the sad truth is that while they can perform a useful and necessary function , like other forms of speech , they too can be abused with felonious intent 在使用有益的和需要的功能的同时,也存在着丑恶的滥用委婉语的现象。
The insured person willfully exposing himself to needless peril ( except in an attempt to save human life ) or the insured person committing or attempting to commit suicide or self - injury or any criminal or felonious act 被保险人自愿招惹不必要之危险(欲拯救他人之生命者除外) 、自杀、自加伤害,或因触犯刑章的不法行为。
He also insisted that we should crackdown economic crimes and felonious criminal offense continually and firmly ; the police , the procurators " offices and the court would precisely hold of judicial independence principle and operate each rights correctly ; we should pay great attention to the training of legal functionaries and perform both punishment and education in the process of criminal transforming 他还主张要坚持不懈地严厉打击经济犯罪和严重刑事犯罪;公检法三机关要准确把握司法独立原则,正确行使各自职权;要努力抓好政法队伍建设:在对违法犯罪分子的教育改造工作中要做到惩罚与教育紧密结合。