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flr final limit reserve
终极限度储备 终限保存  detail>>
be on the floor
正在发言中  detail>>
 n.  1.地板,地面。 2.(楼房的)层。 3.(船底的)肋板。 4.(海洋、山洞等的)底。 5.议员席;经纪人席。 ...  detail>>
on the floor
在场上 在地板上 在地上  detail>>
on this floor
在这层  detail>>
to the floor
至地上  detail>>
drill floor (rig floor)
钻台  detail>>
floor broker floor trader
红马甲  detail>>
floor to floor time
时间间断  detail>>
floor-to-floor conveyor
楼层间输送机 楼上下运输机 斜坡运输机  detail>>
floor-to-floor dimension
楼面至楼面尺寸  detail>>
floor-to-floor height
楼面至楼面高度  detail>>
floor-to-floor vertical handling
楼层间垂直搬运  detail>>
raised floor, elevated floor
高架地板,活动地板  detail>>
floor clamp; floor cramp; floor dog
紧板铁马  detail>>
a carpet on the floor
地板上的地毯  detail>>
a embling floor
安装地面  detail>>