Fig . 2 . germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus 图2 .非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。
The conidia of bipolaris species germinate principally from one or both polar cells with the basal germ tube originating close to the hilum and growing semiaxially and not germinate from the middle cells . the modes of the growth of the conidia on the conidiophores between species of bipolaris are similar and the minute differences between them are according to the different shape of the con idia 门)分生泡子萌发:本属分生抱子从一端或两端同时萌发一般沿着与分生抱子长轴相平行的方向,偶尔也与分生抱子长轴相垂直的方向,但不从中间细胞萌发。