| 1. | Andres had challenged government position . 安德烈斯在政府军阵地前喊了口令。 |
| 2. | Ahead of him now at the top of the ridge was the government position where he knew he would be challenged . 他面前的山脊上出现了政府军的阵地,他知道在那儿要受到盘问。 |
| 3. | Development of real estate industry and government positioning 房地产业的发展与政府角色的定位 |
| 4. | He obtained a government position through interest with a cabinet minister 他靠内阁中一部长的力量而谋得一公职。 |
| 5. | More than half a million chinese sat for the exams in the hope of landing a government position 江苏公考网因押中公务员考试题而引发了一场意外风波。 |
| 6. | It ' s a way to award government positions by the result of the examinations set up by imperial court 科举制产生于隋朝,唐朝继承了这一制度,并进一步完善。 |
| 7. | Cambodian civil war : khmer rouge rebels intensify assaults on cambodian government positions , forcing their retreat from kompong thmar and nearby ba ray 1971年柬埔寨内战:红色高棉反动武装集中火力对政府所在地发动袭击,迫使政府从巴瑞附近的库庞撤退。 |
| 8. | Prime minister khai , who is 72 , has nominated his deputy , nguyen tan dung , to succeed him . the 56 - year old dung has held a number of senior government positions 今年72岁的潘文凯已经提名他的副手,副总理阮晋勇接替他的职位。现年56岁的阮晋勇曾担任过一系列政府高级职务。 |