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Chinese translation for "iap"

IAP = international airport 国际机场。
Example Sentences:
1.- reaiiy ? - yeah , i mean , we need a victory iap . .
-真的吗? -我们需要一个庆祝活动
2.Reaiiy ? - yeah , i mean , we need a victory iap . .
真的吗? -我们需要一个庆祝活动
3.Reaiiy ? - yeah , i mean , we need a victory iap
-真的吗? -我们需要一个庆祝活动
4.Aii right . this is the deal . we go one iap around
5.I got a iittie exciusive that feii right into my iap
6.You iap - dance at private parties or something
7.I ' m surprised you didn ' t give those guys a iap dance
8.Okay . i need to reach across your iap . can i do that , please
9.Okay . i need to reach across your iap . can i do that , please
10.A response of iap lasg oceanic general circulation model to the observed wind stress
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