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Chinese translation for "icoke"

Example Sentences:
1.Icoke points could also be used to experience on - line games such as street basket ball , or redeem other digital gifts through icoke site
此外,他们还能够用icoke积分享受其他数码娱乐项目,集音乐体育娱乐游戏聊天等目前年轻人热衷的潮流和文化,并有机会在可口可乐www . icoke . cn网站上换取丰富的数码奖品。
2.Not to miss the young - blood shorts in the arts centre lobby and big screen broadcasting at causeway bay , apm , mong kok and tsim sha tsui mtr stations , or visit icoke . hk and coca - cola channel at 3
15个过来人体会寓言以将于铜锣湾地带、东角? 、 apm 、地铁旺角及尖沙咀站大荧幕及艺术中心大堂,并于icoke . hk及和记3的cokes channel同你玩转会考。
3.Cheer up , boys and girls ! not to miss the young - blood shorts in the arts centre lobby and big screen broadcasting at causeway bay , apm , mong kok and tsim sha tsui mtr stations , or visit icoke . hk and coca - cola channel at 3
15个过来人体会寓言以将于铜锣湾地带、东角? 、 apm 、地铁旺角及尖沙咀站大荧幕及艺术中心大堂,并于icoke . hk及和记3的cokes channel同你玩转会考。
4.Coca - cola today announced the launch of a revolutionary new 3d online communications experience for icoke users though the companys strategic alliance with tencent holdings ltd , the operator of chinas leading portal and instant messaging service qq , which has a staggering 460 million registered users
可口可乐不断用创新的手段加强同年轻消费者的沟通,并致力于带给他们最热门的潮流和文化,可口可乐www . icoke . cn网站的建立,完美地诠释了这一品牌战略方向。
5.This alliance offers a unique new development for an already hugely successful virtual community , icoke , and provides a thrilling new development in online communications and entertainment . icoke , which revolutionized the concept of online communities with its launch in 2005 , will now offer 360 degree digital online entertainment , powered by qq
双方的结盟必然令www . icoke . cn网站焕然一新,为消费者提供360度的全方位在线沟通平台,使其娱乐性和互动性跨上新的台阶,共同打造深受年轻人喜爱的在线娱乐休闲生活。
6.To allow everyone a chance to explore this new world of entertainment , from march 2006 , consumers who purchase coca - cola in special promotion package will be able to use the code from the packaging to redeem virtual credits , icoke points , to build their own 3d avatar and related accessories through icoke website
数码娱乐的拥趸们有机会从可口可乐促销包装的产品上获得特定编码,在可口可乐www . icoke . cn网站上换取icoke积分,兑换为3d形象特制的物品配件,打造自己的个性3d形象。
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