The philosophy of knowledge believes that the value of knowledge lies not in the impartment of what has been established or proved , but in the creation of new starting points 在语文教学中要重视创设语文学习的环境,拓宽学习渠道,突出学生的实践活动。
This is a process of passive impartment of knowledge from the teachers , which is also a reflection of the characters concerning the health education in shandong province : emphasizing the theory ignoring the practice 反映了我省的健康教育重理论知识轻实践环节的特点。 4 、山东省重点中学健康教育的教师多为兼职教师且学历、职称偏低;对一些专业知识的了解程度不够。
With 40 years development , geographic information system ( cis ) has been formed its technologic system and established its theory . the application of gis has built multi - layer and multi - scale pattern , which become an impartment parts of information technology 经历四十多年的发展,地理信息系统( geographicinformationsystem ,缩写为gis )正在形成完整的技术系统并逐渐建立其理论体系。
The testimony of the witness becomes more and more important however , the fact that the witness fails to appear in court or provides false testimony is becoming very impartment is n ' t in tune with the adversarial trial gradually introduced , making the problem more emergent 然而,在司法实践中,证人不出庭作证、作假证的现象十分突出,这种状况与我国逐步引入的对抗式庭审方式十分不协调,使证人必须出庭问题显得更加突出与紧迫。
It considers opening up the internal relation of the text as the contents , does the uniqueness and criticism as the precondition , does the emanative thought as the core and does the aggregate thought as the sustainable factor , with such three characteristics : the uniqueness , the volatilization , the restrictive , but for a long time influenced by the traditional teaching thought and cultural mentality , chinese teaching still has such severe malpractice , attaching importance to the commonness , the consult , the interclass , and the impartment , but looking down on the individuality , the process , the extracurricular , and the training 这种思维方式是以揭示文本中所包含的内在联系为内容,以独创性和批判性为前提,以发散思维为核心,以聚合思维为支持性因素而展开的。但是长期以来由于受传统教学思想、文化心理的影响,语文教学仍然存在重共性、轻个性,重结果、轻过程,重课内、轻课外,重传授、轻训练的严重弊端,忽视了学生的创新意识的形成、创新能力的培养,束缚了学生人格的发展。
The antarctica plays an important role in the study of global changes and it is the only land without large - scale human activities influence which makes it is sensitive to the global climate changes . penguin is the most impartment factor in the antarctic environment and its dropping sediment records the history of the population and the distribution change on the ardley island 南极地区在研究全球变化中具有突出的地位,南极地区的各种环境因子对全球气候变化有敏感的反应,而且它是地球上唯一未被人类活动大量影响的地区,所以,南极地区的生态学研究有特殊的重要性。
Although domestic container transportation have developing many years , the speed is slow and have a lot of problems , such as government department microscopically regulate force is not enough ; the improvements of all kinds of company are very impartment and instance . in the first chapter of this paper , we made an analysis to the origination and the general situation of the development of domestic coastal container liner shipping , made a deep research on the details of this market , especially on the dominating shipping company and harbor company . there ' re also detailed introduction about how these companies managed in the market at chapter 3 . in chapter 4 is the analysis of problems exists in our domestic coastal container liner shipping market , which involve the problem on management , cooperation , price setting 本文首先介绍了内贸集装箱运输发展的历史进程、现状及发展趋势,概述了沿海内贸集装箱的发展历史及国外内贸集装箱发展状况;接着通过宏观经济环境、货种、船公司、港口等因素对沿海内贸集装箱运输进行了分析,从外部环境到企业内部环境做了相应的研究和分析;接着深入分析了内贸集装箱运输存在的各种问题,包括主管部门、航运企业、港口企业以及相关行业在发展沿海内贸集装箱运输中的不足之处,紧接着对此提出了相应的措施和建议,希望对沿海内贸集装箱运输的发展提供参考;最后对某海运公司在发展沿海内贸集装箱运输做了实证分析。