Chinese translation for "jessy"
- 杰西
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Jessy had something of the genius of humour in her nature . 杰西生就有点儿幽默的天才。 | | 2. | He has no idea that little jessy will die young, she is so gay and chattering, arch-original even now . 他一点没有想到小杰西会夭折,她是如此快活,如此绕舌,诡诈-甚至现在已是心裁独具了。 | | 3. | When jessy burns down his adoptive parents garage he is put into a youth prison . there he meets roark another troublemake with whom he escapes and ends up in deserted woodlands 两名被判入儿童院的14岁少年查利和祖,决定一起逃走,前往美丽的山脉过自给自足的生活,逃离成年人的束缚。 |
- Similar Words:
- "jessua" Chinese translation, "jessup" Chinese translation, "jessup lake" Chinese translation, "jessurun" Chinese translation, "jessus" Chinese translation, "jessy kao" Chinese translation, "jessy moulin" Chinese translation, "jest" Chinese translation, "jest with" Chinese translation, "jest wtih" Chinese translation