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jordan’s river is muddy and cold
乔丹河是泥泞并且冰冷的  detail>>
jordan river
乔丹河 约旦河(中东)  detail>>
the sail hallelujah jordan’s river
航行(哈利路亚)在乔丹河上  detail>>
 adj.  (-dier; -diest) 1.泥多的,泥泞的;尽是泥的;脏的;泥色的。 2.不透明的,混浊的;模糊的(光、色、声等)。 ...  detail>>
it was so cold that the river froze
河水都结冰了 天气寒冷  detail>>
the cold river sītā
冷河  detail>>
 n.  乔丹〔姓氏〕。  n.  1.约旦〔亚洲〕。 2.〔the Jordan〕约旦河。  ad...  detail>>
a muddy pond
烂泥塘  detail>>
a muddy road
多泥或泥泞的路  detail>>
a muddy stream
混浊的河  detail>>
become muddy
混浊的  detail>>
muddy and unclear
淤浊不清  detail>>
muddy bayou
马迪河  detail>>
muddy bottom
泥底  detail>>
muddy coast
淤泥质海岸  detail>>
muddy coffee
土褐色的咖啡  detail>>
muddy creek
泥溪  detail>>
muddy field
重粘田  detail>>