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Chinese translation for "l f"


Related Translations:
f format:  f格式定长格式
l spresd:  直角排列
shen l:  沈岚
l charcoal:  碳笔
dowtherm l:  道氏热载体l
维生素l:  lactation factorvitamin l
l c:  在上述引文中
l segregate:  锭边偏 析
l ecturer:  讲师
l foot:  左脚
Example Sentences:
1.L f ell in love at first sight
2.L f ell in love at first sight
3.L f ound you , ai
4.L f ound you , ai
5.22 lee c y , lu e h , sun l f . low - complexity bit - parallel systolic architecture for computing ab 2 c in a class of finite field gf
6.Systein mode1 ing , s imulat i11g and control l ing are studied in thi s papel - , based on tl1e stato ' s " 863 " project " 1 ' he equ ipll1ent used by sl1ol1gi . i pe t l ' o 1 ] : i e 1 ( l f ' oi " i ) ( " t ( 1 ( 1 t i i1g ilnd i { eijil j l
本文以国家“ 863 ”项目“胜利油田浅海海底管线电缆检测与维修装置”为研究对象,围绕着特种潜器的对线控位技术,对其系统建模、仿真及控制等技术进行了研究。
7.So , i bring forward that we must deve1op our al lodi al network management product ions adopt ing se l f - - development manner . and then , i ana1ysis the traditona1 c1ient / server architecture and web - - based architecture using in snmp , compare their advantages and dis advantages
然后,论文分析了传统的c s结构的三种网络管理体系结构和基于web的网络管理体系结构,并对这两类网管体系结构的优缺点进行了比较。
8.As a matter of fact , the long - term deflation reflects the defects existing in the present pattern of resource distribution in china . most of the medium - small sized state - owned enterprises cannot realize the optimum resource distribution , which is caused by the fact that they are not the principal parts in resource distribution - - firm , for the nature of a firm is determined by the its unique means of resource distribution . inside the firm , it is the authority that distributes the resource
岂路是:一、通货紧缩的长期存在实际上反映出了中国引资源配置格局隐藏着缺陷,即绝大多数国有中小企业无法实现资源的优化配置,原印在于他们根本就个足其l f意义上的资源配置主体? ?公司,因为公司的性质根本地取决于它配发资源的独特方式,即在公司内部是权力这种方式在调配着各种要素资源。
Similar Words:
"l error_resource_type_not_found" Chinese translation, "l error_server_has_open_handles" Chinese translation, "l espoir" Chinese translation, "l evenement du jeudi" Chinese translation, "l extra extra large" Chinese translation, "l f-substitution error" Chinese translation, "l fissure of cerebrum" Chinese translation, "l flat trim head" Chinese translation, "l flood to market" Chinese translation, "l floor plan layout" Chinese translation